
About Us

Yvonne Lau

‣ 創辦人

‣ 香港註冊物理治療師
 Registered physiotherapist (HK)
‣ 香港註冊護士
 Registered Nurse (HK)
‣ 香港理工大學物理治療學碩士
 Master in Physiotherapy (PolyU)
‣ 香港中文大學護理學學士 
Bachelor of Nursing (CUHK)
‣ 香港物理治療學會認可針灸治療師
 Accreditated acupuncture practitioner (HKPA)
‣ 肌內效貼布治療師 (KTAI)
 Certified Kinesio Taping Practitioner (CKTP)
‣ 香港大學專業進修學院音樂治療深造文憑 
Post-graduate Diploma in Music Therapy (HKUSPACE)
‣ 曾於醫院管理局,私人企業,私家診所及非牟利政府機構工作
Work experience in Hospital Authority, private corporate, private clinic, and NGO

Leung Wai Hing 

‣ 資深註冊中醫師

Senior Registered Chinses Medicine Practitioner
‣ 超過30年中醫經驗

Over 30+ years experience in practising chinese medicine
‣ 在自己的私人診所執業超過20年

Self-employed in private chinese medicine clinic for almost 20 years
‣ 曾治愈不同奇難雜症的病人,病人種類包括名人,政府官員等
Treated different complicated disease, with variety of patients including celebrities and government officer